Monday, February 2, 2015

Hello and welcome to my blog.

My name is Richard.  I am 74 years old.  And there's lots of other stuff that will come to light as this blog grows.  I created this blog to more or less serve as a platform for me to sound off about things I read and hear in the media; hence, since my interests are wide, there will be lots of stuff for me to talk about and reflect upon here.

More about me: I like music of many kinds, but my preference is for what people call "classical".  You know - the "high brow" stuff like Bach and Mozart and Shostakovich (lots more); but I also like jazz and some popular stuff too.  I think that you can't be "snooty" about music since music is a universal language that is spoken in many ways, each way having its own message to convey.  I keep and open ear and an open mind in the music department.  Theatre is also a particular love of mind, as is dance.  Here too I refuse to be snooty.  There's nothing about the works of Shakespeare or the choreography of George Balanchine that makes them any better than the material in those genres which are being produced nowadays.  Oh, yes, I like movies too and I'm something of a movie junkie.  If it's on the screen and it moves, I will watch it.  Film is a unique art form for me and each one I see, whether it's a "classic" from yesteryear or the latest "zombies from outer space" movie each one has its own unique merits - though in some instances those merits might be hard to pinpoint.

By religion I am a Christian.  By denomination I am a Lutheran (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).  I am active in my parish as its sacristan.  What's that? you may ask.  Well, think of what we used to call "women's work" - cleaning, washing, ironing, putting the house in order - and that's what I do.  I'm glad we don't call it women's work any longer since there's no rule saying a man can't or shouldn't do these kinds of things.  In addition to sacristan duties I serve in various roles in the liturgical rites of my parish.  I've been doing all this for about 20 years and I love it, even though there are some times when there's tons of stuff to be done.  Christmas and Easter come to mind right off since these are the major feasts of the Christian Church and as such deserve a bit of a fuss.

My politics?  Well, I'm  Democrat with liberal tendencies by party affiliation; but I'm careful to learn what the other party/parties have to say about important life-affecting issues and what candidates for office are being put forth.  It's important to get the fullest picture of things before heading for the voting booth.  I believe that it is the duty of every citizen to register and to vote.  If political things don't go the way you like, but you didn't get off your duff and vote you really don't have much room to gripe.  Votes do count, though sometimes it might seem they don't.

Other stuff:  In January 2014 my domestic partner and I got legally married after having been together for some 38 years.  It was the happiest day of my life; and I long for the day when marriage equality will be a given in these United States.  There will always be people who are against this and often these people cite religious reasons for their unreadiness.  But this is not a religious matter.  It is a secular matter, a civic matter; and it pertains to the notion that all citizens are to be treated equally under the law.  There can't be a "separate but equal" thing because separate is never equal.  Never was, never will be.

Over and out for now.

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